With our 20+ years experience we bring high quality holiday packages on unbelievable lowest price to the travel industry in the Middle East. Group On Holidays makes holidays in budget for everybody. Our prices are not just a little bit cheaper- most of our packages are half the market price.
2017, we started offering our affordable holiday packages to the residents of
UAE and changed the travel industry by becoming the pioneer in the UAE in such
a short time. After a successful launch in the UAE, we have expanded our offer
to those living in other GCC countries. You can book all of our packages right
here, directly through our online booking engine. Simply choose your preferred
holiday destination and explore our revolutionary holiday offers!
free to contact our Group On Holidays call center team for any additional
guidance or support. Enjoy your holidays and travel with the leading Holiday
provider in the region!
High quality holidays in UNBELIEVABLE lowest price without any hidden price